

Ascend’s supporters are instrumental in our effort to connect youth in quality mentoring relationships. We carry out this work in collaboration with the town of Windsor, Windsor Public Schools, and local community organizations.

We are deeply grateful to our supporters in the private, public and nonprofit sectors that have worked with us to combine resources, talents, and influence toward ensuring that mentoring is safe and effective for youth.

We are grateful to the following partners:

The Grace and Hope Foundation | The Joseph S. Stackpole Charitable Trust | The George A. &  Grace L. Long Foundation | Windsor Federal Savings | The Ensworth Charitable Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee | The Fund For Greater Hartford| The J. Walton Bissell Foundation| The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving | Windsor CARES | Windsor Chamber of Commerce | Windsor Exchange Club | The First Church in Windsor, UCC | Urban Alliance | AETNA (Hartford campus) | Connecticut Wealth Management | Get Fit Now, LLC | Riverfront Recapture | Windsor High School | SPARK Program at LP Wilson | Sage Park Middle School | Town of Windsor | The First Cathedral (Bloomfield, CT) | Windsor Police Department | Windsor Police Cadets Program | Windsor Chamber of Commerce | The Hartford (Windsor campus) | The Governor’s Prevention Partnership | Premier Accounting Group | Global Driving School | My Brother’s Keeper Hartford Alliance